Directions to YAIAA Schools

On this page you will find Google Map links for each of the high schools of the YAIAA. Use the maps to obtain your personalized directions to the schools. The red 'dot' on each map marks the approximate area where the school would like officials to park. In some cases, the school may have someone to direct you, or there may be 'cones' set out to mark the spots for officials. Each school is different.

In the past, we would provide individual maps and general directions (from York) to each of the schools. With the on-going road construction and changes in traffic patterns (in addition to school additions and construction), we soon discovered some of the maps and directions were no longer accurate. Rather than provide inaccurate information, or directions from a central location, we are now simply providing a convenient location map for the schools. If you find errors, just let the webmaster know and we'll update the map.

Bermudian Springs Biglerville Central York Dallastown
Delone Catholic Dover Eastern York Fairfield
Gettysburg Hanover Kennard Dale Littlestown
New Oxford Northeastern Red Lion South Western
Spring Grove Susquehannock West York William Penn
York Catholic York Suburban York Technical